a guy who keeps to himself but he secretly loves eating tuna while jacking of under the table in class
man i love doing a dirty Vlad in history
by furryblaster3000 October 15, 2022
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For a gentleman to liberally apply his post-coital smegma to the eyelids of his sleeping lover so that come the dawn, when she wakes, she firstly thinks she has had a great nights sleep, and then secondly, as she wipes them, the salt rehydrates and slips into her eyes, thus making her seemingly cry - from which one may take secondary satisfaction from the fact your kin-folk will believe she is heart-broken to leave - all red eyed and teary.
If I may be so bold, sir, I saw Lady Claire leaving your chambers earlier. She looked rather upset with red eyes. You really are a heart-breaker sir”

“Nah, I just gave her the ol’dirty Craddy Tony, but don’t tell anyone”

“Legend, sir. Legend”
by Rachel1980 June 24, 2023
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When playing a online FPS and the group chat keeps farting in their headset making it sound like running through a battlefield.
Holy fuck i played online with the boys now i have ptsd from the dirty battlefield.
by Randy23Marsh November 25, 2021
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When an amazing man does the Mustig on your Wife and your dog licks it up
Hey i just did the Dirty Benedikt with my dog and my wife!
by The father69420 December 7, 2021
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When your dog licks your cooter without your consent
Girl #1: Whoah I cant believe my dog gave me a dirty blitz

Girl #2: wait your dog did THAT?
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When someone beats you up until you are knocked out, dump 800 hundred rats on you, call it a day, burry you in their grandma’s house, wait 24 hours, come back to where you were buried, urinate on your grave, the dig you out of your grave, and have sex with you. Then get arrested obvi
“Dude I did a dirty McBurney!”
Wtf is wrong with you I’m calling the cops!“
by User is wierd July 1, 2020
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when your slaughtering the sportsbooks and casinos in soccer.
He pulled a dirty slaughter last night in vegas and went to the titty club
by August 15, 2021
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