The consumption of a properly prepared Jewish person. Only the highest quality of cannibal cooks can be trusted to properly prepare this dish.

While there are several regional variations on the Jew Meal, especially in western Russia and southeastern Denmark, the most common variant originates in Albany, France. In this recipe the Jew is first plucked, leaving the yarmulke for last. Next the intestines are emptied and the entire body is soaked overnight in a broth of sea salt, cayenne pepper, diced green onion, minced artichoke heart, and vegetable oil. After the mixture has soaked in, the entire pan should be put into the oven and baked for 90 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Serve with mixed vegetables and a red wine sauce.
"Remember to set an extra place at the table! When you eat the Jew Meal, Hitler eats with you."

Bernard, get in here quick, we're about to break the Jew Bone!"
by theoffensiveist May 1, 2022
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when a jew (usually sminted) does a big poo, and it drops (and plops) in the toilet
christ, can you smell that jew drop that katie just unloaded?
by NoWapsFetty May 25, 2022
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someone with a jew fro who is exremely shmuckable! and therefore he is known as a jew professionall, whether being of jewish decent ....or not .
Arlia "thats no jew fro!"
Emma "thats a smucking jew pro!!"
by koolaydria September 8, 2010
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The ancient Hebrew art of negotiation with a particular emphasis on haggling, cheating and litigating.
Arron used his Jew Gypsue skills to get a great price on our vacation to Israel.
by Johnny Donut January 27, 2019
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another term for piglins in Minecraft, often used when they don’t give you good trades
holy fuck man, that nether jew just gave me three ender pearl trades in a row
by furry slayer April 4, 2023
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The epitome of the perfect woman, she glides the halls like a leprechaun on acid. Don't come for her, or she will talk about her mom's brain surgery.
Did you see heelys jew yesterday? She was wearing her camo heelys.
by hochaum December 11, 2016
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Bar Mitzvah’d men in the front of the car, everyone else in the back
Kid 1: Hey why does Noah’s dad always let him ride shotgun? Whenever i’m in the car my older sister rides up front

Kid 2: It’s because they’re Riding Jew
by YahwehTheSlumpGod June 20, 2022
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