The epitome of the perfect woman, she glides the halls like a leprechaun on acid. Don't come for her, or she will talk about her mom's brain surgery.
Did you see heelys jew yesterday? She was wearing her camo heelys.
by hochaum December 11, 2016
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kyle chitty saver of the jews number 74 dressed up as hitler and killed everyone from the inside
i did a kyle chitty last night jew saver
by jew savour May 13, 2021
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When Jews block you from spreading the thruth about their Khazar Edomite heritage and plans for world domination.
I was talking about the Khazar Talmudists the other day and one of their minions didn't like it, so I got a Jew Block. They won't let me post again.
by WhyzGuy April 7, 2019
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Bar Mitzvah’d men in the front of the car, everyone else in the back
Kid 1: Hey why does Noah’s dad always let him ride shotgun? Whenever i’m in the car my older sister rides up front

Kid 2: It’s because they’re Riding Jew
by YahwehTheSlumpGod June 20, 2022
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Riding alone in the back seat of a car when the passenger seat is vacant and your friend is driving or chauffeuring you around.
"I saw Ted riding Jew after Paul dropped off Chico."
by JohnnyBadboy April 17, 2014
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