The obese woman who played 'Jabba the Hutt' in each of her Star Wars appearances.
So when you see your mom with a thermometer up her ass then it's probably obvious that I got it on with her.
by B-Drac September 17, 2003
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Your Mom literally means 'Your Mom'. Usually people mean it to be funny, or just because they can't crack back. So they just retaliate with the phrase "Your Mom"
Jimmy: Hey Doug, where were you yesterday???!?!?!?!
Doug: Doing your Mom, and she screamed like a whore!!!!!!!
Jimmy: That's nasty, my Mom has a mullet..............
Or...............this could happen.
Person: You're such a freaking whore!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person 2: Yeah well...... Your Mom's a whore too!!!!!!!!
Person: That is SO OLD!

by The Retard! February 25, 2006
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A generic response of chavs, townies, morons, intellectual insects or wiggers when they come to the pathetic conclusion that they have no better response to an insult, inquiry, or blank comment.
Example 1 -
Person 1 : Do you even know how idiotic you sound when you talk like this?
Chav : Uhh. Your mom.

Example 2 -
Person 1 : So, I heard you got a disease from some skank last night.
Chav : Yeah, your mom!
by Roxanne Stone February 16, 2007
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People that has no life and bad conversation use it as a combat. People would try to make it sound better by saying extra messed up words
Guy: Sup Faggot
Idiot: Your Mom's a Faggot, Ass.
by Anonymous June 10, 2003
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A phrase used when somebody doesn't know any good comebacks.

Also used as part of a joke

The woman who gave birth to you
Person1: You're so gay
Person2: Your mom

Your mom's so fat she stepped in the ocean and said 'Who put this puddle here?'

Person: I'd like you to meet your mom, Casie
by Stepheli November 11, 2005
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a phrase one uses as an insult to some one.
"you are a bitch"
"your mom!"
by biotch#452 June 5, 2003
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an over used townie phrase. townies seem to think its some kind of insult, and the stupid townies, thats all of them, reply with 'your mom' to whatever you say to them ........................................................ idiots
Normal dude: hey, do you know where there bus station is?
Townie: YOUR MOM!

Normal dude: excuse me
by deadlyangel March 14, 2004
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