Response from office worker after manager has explained a simple procedure for the 8th time, the last time using graphic displays out of desperation because said worker must be mentally incapacitated to have not understood what was required on the first try.
(upon 8th explanation of simple procedure)
Anita (employee): Thanks for clarifying
Michelle (boss) : Oy. The dreaded "thank you for clarifying," defined as explaining something for the 100th time when you should have understood it the first time. How do you even get yourself dressed in the morning? (and then out loud I said: You're welcome. )
by pr maven August 4, 2010
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Something this girl who I never met says to me every time when I compliment her on her pictures and videos on instagram. All I know is that she goes to my school and we have mutual friends.
Me: Nice video! What band was playing and where was this taken?
Her: Thanks B. This was panic at the disco in madison square garden
by ichybichy September 20, 2018
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a)something "stupid" people use (as my friend defines it)
b)a way of saying "okay thanks you" in a preppier way
"your picture on facebook is so cute. k thanks!"
by pretty dog April 3, 2007
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Used to blame America's increase of problems on ex-President Obama.
Guy1: “$115b for illegals! And they get free shit out of taxpayer pockets!”
Immigrant: “Thanks Obama! You know worked my ass off to get a job in America, get a job visa, apply for citizenship with employer approval, wait 5 years on green card, and have to pay my taxes while some dude crosses the open border and gets free Medicaid, food, shelter, water, and other shit.”
by 1nd14n601 July 2, 2018
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Something you say when you realise America's fall to fascism is in big part due to Obama's inaction during his two terms as president and his blatant sabotage of Bernie Sanders' campaign in 2020.
CNN drone: "Missouri is banning abortion today"
Twitch rando #1: "here's a vid of Obama saying he would codify Roe v Wade in 2008."
Twitch rando #2: "Thanks Obama!"
by Gjord August 15, 2022
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The words you say after quoting anything by Beyonce.
Girl 1: Dude ur such a diva.

Girl 2: Well a diva is the female version of a hustla! Thanks B!
by flygon=bestPokemon January 14, 2010
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