The ultimate way of execution upon those who innocently express their feelings towards a person. Usually performed by caucasian teenaged women when they feel bored. Using the cursed and foul word, the person whom is received this horrifically dead one-letter word shall be banished to the deepest and darkest realms of unattraction known as the "friend zone". Be careful, for who ever is responsible for sending/saying this word will be hunted down by our fellow thot exterminators.
Guy: I love you because you're my everything and I wish to be with you no matter what the cause.

Girl: K

Guy: (hangs himself)
by nukakappa December 26, 2017
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another way of saying okay. if you are to lazy to say it.
by Jimmy fly home February 26, 2008
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To increase in magnitude with dislike or disdain. Can be used to modify or enhance exsisting profanity, or sometimes used as a stand alone phrase.
"Dude, you suck with a K!" or "I've got your (insert any word here) hangin', with a K!" or very simply, "With a K man, WITH...A...K!"
by Lee W March 8, 2004
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I thought I was pretty clear on my posts.
I thought I have pretty well behaved.
The only thing I can think of is the post with “k bye” that could have been misinterpreted.
I wasn’t say “bye” as if I am done with us…

Don’t know if you are thinking that or not, but might as well clarify just incase.
Do you remember the first time I said “k bye” to you? It was when I called you for the first time to tell you that you had mail. I am pretty confident you had to hear my heart pounding over the phone.
Can I have my numbers back now?❤️
Love you!
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Something that girls say to make boys angry.
Should never be said by anyone with a pair of testicles hanging between their legs.
Usually expresses discontent
Boy: Hey, sorry I had to cancel our plans, my grandma has cancer and I wanted to be with her for her final hours...
Girl: K.
Boy: wooooow whatta bitch
by masta1923 February 15, 2011
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A word used by immature, annoying (usually teenage) girls for some unknown reason.
Annoying bitch --- "K I hate you. K You're stupid. K. K I hate everybody for no reason."
by Ihatestupidpeople June 13, 2010
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1/1 A 2 faced cunt flap (Posted by the "FEDS")
1/2 A Grown person unable to agree with anyone or admit when he is wrong & loves to talk about you behind your back to the point people message you. example : <b> 07:22:05 <@not K> for all you that chat around b} <b> 07:22:13 <@not K> she's hanging around a federal informant on r i z o n.
1/3 Unable to use the ignore command as someone might say something!
Hi, what's up everyone? Nothing much just listening to not K talk shit again.
by Sookie-Alcide July 10, 2022
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