When you grab her forehead and press it against your balls, and then your balls will wrap around her neck to form a neck pillow
Bro, the other day I was banging this chick and shoved my balls on her forehead and formed a Romanian Airplane Pillow
by Themildones December 16, 2021
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When you smoke so much reefer all you want to do is trip out on music. When you are so high you can see the music.
She was weaving back and forth to the music and he realized she was Jefferson Airplane stoned. Johnny then had an evil vs good battle with himself about whether or not he was going to take advantage of her in this moment.
by Shaoli June 12, 2016
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it's a fucking airport what else did you expect
"I explained to my dumbass friend that an airport is an airplane center"
by black crayon heroin addict September 21, 2023
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kid 1:oi throw a paper airplane at that kid

:kid 2: oki
kid 3: ow wtf
Teacher: i hate my life.
by Justa urbandictionary worder October 16, 2023
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When you sleep in a state of half-consciousness and wake up feeling more or equally tired to before the nap, taken mostly on airplanes or public places
friend A-“so how was the flight back?”
friend B-not too bad I took an airplane nap for half of it”
by The Duke of Shittington March 8, 2020
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Preparing one's backpack, purse, laptop bag, etc as a carry-on.
I had to airplanize my backpack by taking out sharp objects and putting my liquids in a quart bag.
by WorldTraveler91 January 20, 2012
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Use to distract someone who is making a horible conversation.
WARNING:Does not work on Politians, It will make it worse.
Donald Trump: I will build a wall.
Obama: Speaking of Airplanes
Donald Trump:I will work to improve airport security as well.
by Dr.Anonymous Phd.Life February 12, 2016
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