heart break is when you can’t sleep because you’re upset/crying. you don’t feel
happy or sad, you feel nothing. you don’t want to do anything. you have no energy. you don’t want to live anymore.
my first heart break was caused by my first love.
by truthhurts1008474 April 29, 2020
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Heart Break is what happens when the one you love so deeply that words cannot begin to explain, returns your affections with answers such as "I'm sorry >~<" or "I like you as a friend" or worst of all "I'm in love with someone else." After this occurs your heart essentially breaks crippling you with a feeling of emptiness and confusion along with thoughts of suicide. This is the strongest feeling in life and is the only one that can be deemed worthy of any tears.
"I spent weeks falling in love with her and I poured my heart, but when it came down to it she said "'I'm sorry >~<'" this left my heart broken."
"That's some serious heart break."
by OneSmartBoy February 6, 2019
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The moment in a porno when things stop being a poorly acted and scripted movie, and becomes an A-list porn flick
Break weird in this movie came when danny d started grabbing titty instead of grabbing more food
by Your Uncle Bobbie Robbie January 15, 2022
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A sudden or unexpected break in work, attendance, or public appearances due to a crippling blow to one's social or professional standing due or the arrogance or carelessness or tactical misstep of the individual who is now missing or absent and unlikely to return. In other words, your ass got cut in half/defeated/chopped down to size in a stupid way and it's pretty much all your own fault and yer outta here.
All the "Me Toos" put Bill OReilly's ass on a Snoke Break. Fox says he's "taking time off" but it's a Snoke Break.
by WhatDoYouMeanYouPeople? May 30, 2018
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A non-profit organization to do exactly what the title says. Some of their main focuses is too bring awareness and teach others how to avoid stereotypes. For an example, teenagers can learn how to speak without confusing the recipient or make will with their daily actions without being too stubborn.
“Ben, did you hear about Discretely Breaking stereotypes? They totally helped me to speak clearer and be courageous!”
by starcrossed March 11, 2019
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person 1: has a bag of chips
person 2: "if he cant break bread he fake."
person 1 now has to share his stuff towards person 2.
ex. 2

person has girlfriend
person 2: "if he cant break bread he fake''
it is now THEIR girlfriend
by chemz-88 November 28, 2022
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Spring Break:
A "break" is not found in this week. This week is when students do more catch up homework ever expected because assignments have been stopped for this one week.
Senior year in high school is when there is no break in spring break
by too tired to care March 30, 2016
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