Juicy pussy with a hefty helping side of ranch dressing.
Dude I'm so hungry right now, bro how bout some Pussy with a side of ranch?
by November 14, 2020
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side burns 🥵💦🤏🧟🦛
bro that Austin side burns kid has some sick side burns
by andioopsksksksksksksksk November 10, 2019
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Talking disrespectfully or "trash" to another person.
To talk out of disrespect towards another person.

Telling over exaggerated truths about ones own status.
"Man I got so much money, I can't even give it all away." " He's side popping, cause you know that fools broke."
"That's why you're always broke."
"Who do you think you're side popping to?"
by CMan78 January 18, 2020
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When dropped, the faecal smeared face of a used tissue lands on a surface, transferring anal marmite onto that surface.
Sorry the lav seat is wet, but I had to clean it after dropping an arse-wipe butter-side-down.
by Mikebe November 3, 2021
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(Used of drivers) driving on either side of the road, thus violating traffic rules and posing a threat to other drivers and pedestrians.
Traffic police must issue tickets to side-blind drivers.
by uttam maharjan September 13, 2010
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A school full of ether preppy middle class kids who act rich or redneck kids that talk about hunting, fishing, trucks, quads drinking and partying. No matter who you Are, you'll most likely attend at least one Georgetown party and get drunk and most likely get chased out by cops because some parents called because there's never cops around. there's a lot of kids at south side who don't care. The teachers are vary chill and fun. You ether hate them or there your best friend there's no in between. The schools vary small everyone probably knows everyone's names in every grade above them and to 4 grades below them. 80% of the kids don't even listen to country but wear boots and jeans everyday. If you don't wear boots and jeans or at least look laid back your probably one of the snobby kids that everyone says they like but don't. Rumors get around the school fast. Teachers even know who's having sex with who who got in a fight with who. They most likely know everyone's personal life wheather they know them or not. South side is a family that likes to fight eachother but also defends eachother.
Person 1: we have a game against south side beaver tonight.

Person 2: you mean that redneck school thats talks shit on everyone?

Person 1: yeah dude. It's gonna be a close game or a fights gonna break

Example 2:

Person 1: did you hear what happend at the crick party other night?

Person 2: yeah! Those freshmen girls are dumb partying with those redneck boys that are 3 years older than them.
by Redneck736174 March 14, 2017
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A small-ish school in Western Pennsylvania. Has a very good football team but is constantly called racist just for the players being coincidentally all white(atleast this year). Has a bunch of basic white girls that claim to be country just for the "aesthetic". You'll also find guys that enjoy the mudding, riding, fishing, hunting, etc. Every once in a while You'll find a pasty skinny white boy that thinks he's a gangster and sells juul pods, it's pretty embarrassing. The highschoolers are chill but the middle schoolers are nuts. The lunch sucks thanks to Obama's husband. Many of the students are republican but some teachers are incredibly liberal and refuse to let students converse about politics among each other.
"Yo did you hear about the investigation on South side beaver football team?"
by ismdiabod_59 November 16, 2021
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