Someone who goes full sail at the sight of booty. Can be used as straight or gay, depending on context.
Jimmy is such a butt pirate! He's always gazing onto football players.
by somedude149 May 28, 2014
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A person who completes and takes credit for a puzzle they did not start nor contribute to, but places the last few finishing pieces together.
Oscar is such a puzzle pirate; he finished the puzzle I worked on all day.
by tibbits November 1, 2019
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Girl Have u seen Foxy The Pirates he's the hottest Animated
Bonnie Mine!
by LOLBitSuprise June 5, 2020
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during a particularly vigorous session of intercourse the partner on top drips sweat into his/her partner's eye causing her/him to close the eye and moan arrrgh!
Bill is such a sweaty bed monkey, last night he gave me a sweaty pirate!
by Golden Rod February 21, 2010
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Urban power tribe members clustering on starislands like St. Barths
by Max Blenheim December 10, 2010
A road pirate is someone who buys and daily drives an ex police vehicle and purposefully makes the vehicle look as close to a active duty police vehicle as possible to scare people on the road.
I thought there was a cop behind me about to pull me over, but it was just a Road Pirate.
by MoxieSoda_ February 10, 2023
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