to look at porn nonstop with no clothes.
to take off your clothes and create a tunnel with a sweatshirt between your eyes and the computer.
chambers: hey pord watcher!
pord watcher: whats thats supposed to mean?
chambers: it means you are obsessed with porno and watch with your sweatshirt on your face.
pord watcher: fuck!
by brendapat February 22, 2010
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A Bird Watcher is a boy who likes videos of girls masturbating to porn.
by Llewell September 16, 2022
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A Karen spying in the neighborhood for people to report for violating local laws, rules and ordinances.
“ That bird watcher got another one ticketed for playing the music too loud
by Hyper918 May 10, 2023
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The act of sitting on ones dick and hands before masturbation so that it feels like you are just watching someone else get a hand job.
Last night I gave myself the best watcher ever! Im telling you man doing the watcher, just feels like you are watching someone else get a hand job!
by T0XIC H3RO November 1, 2017
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One Watcher, nicknamed Grumpy by a girl named Chloe, a victim to both A Watcher and a Snatcher. He tricks Chloe on multiple occasions but promised to never lie to her, if she catches him in one, he owes her a wish.The Watcher watches as Chloe is snatched by the snatcher and is taken to the forest dark and deep. Here, Chloe is nearly scared to death by monsters surrounding her, but the watcher saves her for reasons unknown. He tells her that he is no better for having her around and is will be no less when she is dead. Chloe’s crying may indicate this hurt her, and as the watcher leaves, she threatens to kill him. Chloe seems to like the watcher, so this is likely a threat out of anger. When he returns Chloe is sleeping and when she wakes there is fire and soup. This is to keep her alive, he even further tries to save her when he leaps over and a battle starts because a unknown creatures has shouted to get her. Chloe is screaming for the watcher as she is snatched again and all she can hear, As she is shrouded in blackness is a shrill death Cry and the sound of bone snapping. This may be the watcher dying, but is currently unknown. In my opinion, the watcher really does care about Chloe, as he has saved her life, fed her , gave her a fire and is seeming to be trying to protect her from the other monsters in the forest. But it remains unknown. I hope they do become friends( and even though it weirds me out, I kinda ship them…
It’s a weird ship but hey! Anything can happen!
The Watcher
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Somebody who looks up videos in order to obtain an advantage in golfing games. (IE Golf It or Golf With your Friends)
All Europeans are bad a golf with your friends, just a bunch of video watchers.
by golfitmaster December 12, 2017
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The guy who stands next to you in the urinal and looks at your dong.
Keep you eyes on your own dick, you fucking weiner watcher.
by Onebigpapa July 16, 2014
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