"I can't deal with being a parent for 5 minutes little Jonny, so go watch this dumb youtube video with your watcher brother for 10 hours"
by Yorkmeanspuke May 30, 2019
Someone, typically a scrawny white male, who watches their significant other/spouse have sex with somebody else, typically a large black male. Effectively someone who watches as they get cucked.
Franklin: Hey dude my P.E. Teacher sounds like a watcher.
Ryan: What's a watcher?
Franklin: A super-cuck who watches while the black guy rails their wife.
Ryan: Yeah he does sound like a watcher.
Ryan: What's a watcher?
Franklin: A super-cuck who watches while the black guy rails their wife.
Ryan: Yeah he does sound like a watcher.
by Arch Ytpetay January 7, 2021
(Highlander) A secret society of men and women who observe and record the lives of immortals, but never interfere. Most of the time anyway. They are ID'd by their wrist tattoos. Joe Dawson was the most famous, as Duncan MacLeod's Watcher. Sometimes they go rogue and start hunting immortals, and then they are called Hunters.
by ChicagoMel December 26, 2009
(n) A person who observes the activities of another person. Those being observed by a watcher are usually unaware they are being inspected and studied by a third party, unless that third party reveals themself to be a watcher.
Kelly: "I see that you added that slutty hot chick to your Myspace friends list.
Kevin: OMG your such a watcher!!
Kevin: OMG your such a watcher!!
by Telly D. May 12, 2006
A girl/boy who watches someone who they are friends with become BEST friends with your best friend but you can't do anything about it.
by Anonymous10376 August 2, 2018
The Watcher of the Teambang group is the weirdest, creepiest, oldest, dirtiest, smelliest, ugliest, and grossest member who usually sits in the corner masturbating to the human clump before him while simultaneously spewing shit, vomit, piss, and snot in every direction with the occasional blood splatter.
by Daddy Destroyer June 21, 2019
(1) A horror movie.
(2) The minecraft bedrock server BrokenLens' anticheat system. Known for banning people for no reason, but cases like these are few and far in between. However, if you get banned by it you are screwed as the staff don't unban these type of people
(2) The minecraft bedrock server BrokenLens' anticheat system. Known for banning people for no reason, but cases like these are few and far in between. However, if you get banned by it you are screwed as the staff don't unban these type of people
(1) The Watcher is a 2016 movie.
(2) Brokenlens staff: "sorry, we don't unban people banned by the watcher"
(2) Brokenlens staff: "sorry, we don't unban people banned by the watcher"
by A dying goat August 25, 2019