Television documentaries featuring the always popular format of heartbreaking tales of unthinkable marital infidelity.
My ex-life in which I was married for 25 years to an L.A. actor ended in such a pathetic and superlative train wreck, so consequently it’s a fave on Disaster Marriages!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 21, 2020
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When two best friends marry each other on facebook because they're tired of seeing their relationship status as, "single."
Julie changed her relationship status from "single" to "married"
Hey, who you married to?
My best friend, because we're forever alone. That's the point of facebook marriage.
by xxpikapikaxx June 25, 2011
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marriage fraud is when two men get— two women— two— shit, when anyone gets married, and then— and then— and then— they fall apart, and then the other one— (listen, tubbo,the other one probably owns a knife or some shit,) and then what they do is they go rob a bank together as frauds
tubbo: what’s marriage fraud?

tommy innit: marriage fraud is when two men get— two women— two— shit, when anyone gets married, and then— and then— and then— they fall apart, and then the other one— (listen, tubbo,the other one probably owns a knife or some shit,) and then what they do is they go rob a bank together as frauds
by Lonelysorrows December 20, 2020
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The "goggles" that suddenly appear on a person when they are ready for marriage and able to commit to one person. These goggles prevent men and women from appreciating the beauty in the opposite sex because they actually care if their partner catches them staring.
We took our soon to be married friend to Las Vegas for his bachelor party and were wondering why his head wasn't turning with all the beautiful women were passing by.

Me: "Damn bro, are you checking all these beautiful women?"

Friend: "Huh?"

Me: "I guess your ready for marriage...your marriage goggles are forming"
by BazookaMoose November 22, 2012
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A combination of the words "Facebook" and "fake." Describes a false relationship status showing your relationship status on Facebook as married, when you are not actually married to the person. It can discourage people from hitting on you but more then likely you just married your best friend to avoid posting your actual relationship status on Facebook.
"I love my Fakebook marriage: I didn't want that guy to bug me about our relationship status on Facebook. Thank god I told him I'm married to my best friend and it would hurt her feelings if we broke it off."
by prinnyfan May 9, 2009
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The supposed reason why fundies oppose gay marriage. Then they cheat on their spouses, hook up in bathroom stalls, etc.

In the USA, the lowest divorce rates are in blue states (#1 is Massachusetts), and the highest divorce rates are in red states. Somehow it's the fault of those evil homosexuals.
Vito Fossella voted for the No Gay Marriage amendment, then flew home to impregnate his mistress. Do as I say, not as I do! That's the sanctity of marriage for you.
by Frankie1969 May 19, 2008
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A person who you think would make a good spouse for you.
-Who's that girl over there? Looks like a good marriage material
by MC Zaxid August 13, 2008
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