Governments tax people through excess fees, legal penalties, and other forms of taxation in the hope to recoup revenue.
one city in Missouri imposed many new fines and taxes to add revenue to their budget. The method they implemented is called Nickel and Dime Economics
by jondich September 20, 2022
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The economic theory that describes a man paying for a woman's company in hopes of sex.

A husband who pays for everything his wife desire's with a chance of getting some play.
Friend: My wife and I have a great marriage as long as I make all of the purchases and I get some play!
Duke Jr.: Friend you are the perfect model of one who engages in sex economics.
by Dr.D Fraud May 16, 2019
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A term that means when a government bans and prohibits a certain product or service from a multibillion dollar company that costs a lot of money in revenue and causes harm to the economy.
The United States committed economic suicide by banning an app that was worth over $1 billion in revenue.
by The Ferocious Whomper December 19, 2022
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An action by a party that results in the destruction of another party's personal rights or business position or status, or denial of constitutuional rights by means that are designed to assure any one or more of those outcomes is guilty of a felony.
The journalist stated that the owner of the company was guilty of a crime, without proof of that statement , and distributed that information to other media sources which resulted in economic terrorists destroying the business with false news by design.
by Airbornebob February 8, 2017
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An indie rap group composed of young teenage rappers, notably Casper/Kasper (theGhost), Unonimus, and Lotus.
Did you check out that new Economical Plague song? It was fire.
by ECP#1FanPlaguedIndividual December 7, 2012
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urban economizing (term introduced by economist M. Filyak) is growing plants, small animals and mushrooms as a substitute for rural activity in urban environment with the aim of additional profit, usually supplementary in nature.
Приклади urban economizing є чисельними - вирощування квітів та декоративних вазонів у квартирах, розсади на продаж та для розмноження на присадибних ділянках - у квартирах, грибів у підвалах, виробництво добрив з відходів (останнє особливо популярне у Японії), розмноження шиншил, котів, собак та хом’яків у квартирах, вирощування червів-опаришів для риболовлі. Ці види діяльності не потребують дачі або іншої заміської землі, тому у такому рослинництві використовуються пакети з землею, гідропоніка. До таких типів господарювання (що часто стає розвитком підприємництва) з певними умовами відноситься і «хенд-мейд», а також вишивка та в’язання, виготовлення в домашніх умовах тортів та іншої випічки «під замовлення» у магазини та на свята.
by M. Filyak April 12, 2014
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What Megyn Kelly and Matt Walsh are advocating under the auspices of the bud light boycott. What it does is set a behavioral precedent so that they can control the behavior of their political opposition. They've threatened to do it again. They think they should be able to do what the woke types where doing to them by LITERALLY doing what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to Taiwan.
Hym "Hey, China is ALSO banning beer. They are banning the sale of Taiwanese beer as a form of economic coercion. That's literally what the people who lead the Bud Light boycott are doing! They are using economic coercion intimate companies into 'Refusing to acknowledge Taiwan as a country.' LIKE A FUCKING COMMUNIST! Is that what you're going to do!? YOU COMMUNIST SLUT!"
by Hym Iam August 9, 2023
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