what guys refer to as the worst time of the month.

but what i refer to it as, is the time of the month where men bitch and complain about not getting ass and blame everything on the woman.

yes, woman are more irritable at this time, but guys need to look at it through the woman's perspective.
for the guys who can't imagine what it feels like:

PMS is like having a raccoon scratch it's way out of your stomach, a toddler riding on your back all day, being force fed 20 pounds of rice, AND pulling paper out of your ass covered in blood every few hours.

you try doing that and act like nothing's wrong.
by commonsensespeaking July 21, 2009
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a curse on all women that kicks in every month. Guys act like women over-react, but they don't know the pain and suffering they go through! guys, be nice to your girlfriend (or wife) when she is on her period.
great, im pms'ing
by ghyutpk June 29, 2010
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1. private message or personal message - messaging someone personally in a one-to-one chat. synonym: direct message, or dm.

2. pretty much.

3. prime minister.
George: the easiest way to contact the pm is to pm them.
Sargon: pm the pm?
George: pm.
by niggalas sage June 9, 2019
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PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, but it can even occur during or after menstruation. Symptoms of PMS include abdominal cramps, bloating, irritability, breast tenderness, occasional cravings for sweet or very salty foods, and hormonal imbalances that cause mood swings.

Since males don't have periods, they act like insensitive jackasses when the women around them are suffering from PMS. Those stuck-up dickless monkeys can't get any ass, so they call their girlfriends bitches and blow everything out of proportion. Sure, sometimes PMS can cause a girl to get a little bitchy, but those douchebags act like a PMSing woman is a nuclear bomb that's been unleashed on the city. All they think about is themselves, they don't even give a crap when their girl is crying out in pain because the girl is just "being a dramatic bitch".

A guy will accuse a girl of PMSing even if she gets mad at him for something that's his own fault, such as being a complete dickhole.
Sally: Bob, you look stupid with those pencils in your nose.
Bob: You bitch!! Why are you acting like a psycho?! You must be PMSing!!!
Sally: WTF are you talking about, you moron?
Sally: Whatever!
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angelhunnibunnz6969696 says: Hey baby, PM me!
by Ette July 11, 2003
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The week or so of month where girls expirience horrible pain, crazy mood swings, blood streaming out of their vagina, and the desire to curl up in a ball and possibly never move again.

And the thing is guys are right, girls are crazy ass bitches when they are pmsing but they complain about girls using pms as an excuse to bitch and not give blow jobs or have sex. Hey how bout you try getting repeatedly getting kicked in the balls and gut while having a cotton stick shoved up your ass and act normal.

It's not that big of a deal if you give girls a little space when she's being bitchy and not complain bout getting no ass.
guy: babe wanna suck my dick
girl: I hope you drop dead
guy: jeez your a real bitch
girl: go away
guy: this sucks balls
girl: *pulls out a knife
guy: oh jeezus she's pmsing
by ieatbrains2400 April 5, 2012
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