white girl way to say " fo rizzle my nizzle" originated from a typing mistake that turned out to actually spell something.
by Liz and Breanna April 4, 2005
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"I accept your offer of an explicit sexual act." (male recipient)
"You is way fly, want to gets dis thang goin fo reelz?"
"Fo shizzle my nizzle nozzle."
by nozzroid April 4, 2013
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A description of a guy who is never wrong, full of shit, self absorbed,better than anyone who ever existed and just an overall ass hole. Aka Dan Telese
I know this douche nozzle extraordinaire, he is so annoying I'd rather get my balls stomped on by an elephant than be in the same room with him.
by Douche nozzle 1234 September 28, 2018
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Deriving from the use of the slang word "brozz" (singular "brozzle") for a persons "bro's", the phrase "brozzle nozzle" is a reference to the male member. Obvious as it looks, it is the nozzle, scientific term penis, on any particular brozzle, scientific term male, so to speak.
Example 1-
Person A-Can someone please explain a belt-tuck to that guy?
Person B-I know dude, his brozzle nozzle is raging out of control!

Example 2-
He better watch out mowing the lawn without pants-might get his brozzle nozzle caught in the blades...
by Ander Pisker October 11, 2007
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When a male has a really long, foreskin like freakishly long. I mean like a fucking elephant or aardvark
So I had a homosexual experience in collage, he had a total Skin nozzle
by B76B011 September 25, 2016
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A duo act in which 2 people are a far distance away vertically. One then goes on said roof and ejaculates with a superb stream, it then lands directly on the other partner's forehead, relating to a shower nozzle.
"YO guess what?!" "me and keontay performed the New Jersey Shower Nozzle last night!" "It was Epic!"
by bighanky May 2, 2024
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