someone who drinks redbull alot. and doesnt like to be made fun of for it.
T- Once again, your drinking redbull.
by dude lebowski May 31, 2009
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Don't you think <insert name of someone you don't like> is a shitfaced motherfucking cocksucking dickhead?
by Ben Kenobi May 30, 2005
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A person who is not only a motherfucker, but is also a cocksucker and acts like a complete and utter fucking twat all of the time.
For fuck sakes man, what did you do that for you stupid motherfucking cocksucking twat!
by Begum March 14, 2005
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A man who lives in the suburbs who likes to buy things and return them for gay reasons. Mainly someone who has nothing better to do with their money and has no bills to pay.
Sean is a rich cocksucking mother fucker because he bought a treo phone and returned it the very next day.
by bigmike06 September 10, 2006
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A middle class guy who lives in a suburban area only because he lives with his parents, otherwise he'd be living in a shithole on the south side of Chicago. This candidate also possesses thrifty values and isn't afraid to turn down a movie or mini-golfing with his friends because he feels $7 is too much to have 2 hours of fun. Mainly, someone who has nothing better to do with their money but to save it and never enjoy life.
Mike is a poor cocksucking mother fucker because decided to sit at home online and continually check myspace and facebook instead of spending $7 to have a quality time with his friends.
by SWhockey98 September 11, 2006
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A male or female cocksucker who is the recepient's bitch and required to provide him with gifts or money.
LeeRoy's CBB Cocksucking Bitch Benefactor gave him oral service and a shirt.
by CS25 September 18, 2011
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some1 who sucks dick and is afraid to do anything and a fallower
chad michael is a cocksucking pussy ass bitch all he does is fallow zach around.

ezra u cocksucking pussy ass bitch just do a backflip already
by sean November 24, 2004
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