One of 45’s more recent appropriations of an event as of 9-11-19 due to his reliable capacity to allude almost exclusively to himself when it comes to others’ tragedies or losses.
I’ve begun this solemn day by posting a highly attractive shot of me and the First Lady, who's incidentally wearing Carolina Herrera, looking out toward our fabulous New York City skyline and so I’ve decided, after today, to proudly rename the whole ordeal “Trump’s 9-11” to commemorate and memorialize my special Presidency.
by Dr Bunnygirl September 11, 2019
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Every day, from here on out, is post 9/11. Referring to it usually implies that something was to be learned on 9/11 and has not been, usually security driven.
It is unbelievable that in a post 9/11 world we still allow Taco Bell to exist!
by Master Christ St. John June 14, 2006
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A person who usually voted Democratic, but has been taken in by the Bush administration's fear-mongering.
I thought my dad was going to vote for Kerry, but he turned out to be another 9/11 Republican.
by kolohe61 April 25, 2005
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a term used to describe muslims or arabs specifically
yo aren’t you 9/11 brown??
by whatisthisbehaviour7 May 8, 2022
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the one kid at every school who’s birthday is on 9/11. they have to sit and endure all the videos and documentaries about the attack. people make jokes about them being ‘a terrorist’ because they are happy on that day. i personally am a 9/11 kid.
friend: “what day is it?”
9/11 kid: “it’s 9/11!!”
friend: “why are you happy about that?”
9/11 kid: “it’s my birthday.”
by liberty jole May 31, 2020
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To be mangled on a variety of club drugs until you acquire a wide eyed stare that appears to be capable of taking down half the New York City skyline from the sheer intensity of the gaze.
Did you see Brian last night with those 9/11 eyes? Bro, I was about to call homeland security to stop him from taking down the new freedom towers with that stare.
by Tony Two-Times January 2, 2014
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anyone who is intelligent enough to realize that the official government account of the 9/11 attacks are not supported by the physical evidence and want to know the real truth about what happened
Here are just a few facts that 9/11 truthers want explained:
In 1945 during a heavy fog a B-52 bomber accidently hit the Empire State building, sustaining minor damage but was repaired and is still standing today, because of this incident modern skyscrapers are specifically designed to withstand an impact from a jumbo jet.
In 1993 terrorists ignited a truck bomb beneath the twin towers after that incident the towers were regularly inspected with bomb sniffing dogs, these inspections stopped just months before 9/11 Marvin Bush was in charge of security at the World Trade Center.
In 1998 the Project for the new American Century or PNAC stated their goal of invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam Hussein, but said they would need a "Pearl Harbor" to sell this idea to public, key PNAC members became part of the Bush Administration.
The towers did not collapse from the initial impact, many people were safely evacuated and the towers collapsed some time later. The government claims burning jet fuel softened the steel support beams causing the collapse. Jet fuel burns at a maximum temperature of 1500 degrees, the steel would have to reach 2000 degrees before it even began to soften, steel melts at 3000 degrees.
If the steel beams did get hot enough to soften, the towers should have tipped toward the point of impact, but instead the towers collapsed straight down like when explosives are used for a controlled demolision.
by Mr.Juan-derful May 30, 2010
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