56 definitions by Mr.Juan-derful

Heywood Banks

comedian/singer who makes regular appearances on The Bob and Tom Show
Heywood Banks is known for songs like "Toast" and "18 Wheels on a Big-Rig".
by Mr.Juan-derful April 17, 2010
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People's Candidate

a politician who is supported by their constituents but not the party establishment
Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic primary for the Senate, he ran as an Independent in the General Election and won.

Lisa Murkowski lost the Republican primary for the Senate, she ran as an Independent in the General Election and won.

Lieberman and Murkowski are People's Candidates!
by Mr.Juan-derful December 26, 2011
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Bush to Obama

A strange phenomenon in which someone usually a Bushnesiac suddenly switches from being a Bush Basher to being an Obama basher
George W Bush was a disaster as president he took a record budget surplus and turned it into a record deficit, wrecked the economy and started a senseless war in Iraq, many people rightfully bashed the Bush administration for these things. Now however the Bush to Obama phenomenon has many of the former Bush bashers blaming all these things on Obama and bashing him.
by Mr.Juan-derful August 28, 2010
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A narrow strip of land that pokes up between Ohio and Pennsylvania
The city of Wheeling is located on West Virginia's middle finger.
by Mr.Juan-derful April 18, 2010
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orifice hat trick

taken from the hockey term ( a hat trick means to score three times) it is a term for sexual activity involving three orifices on a woman (pussy, mouth, ass)
I was with this slut last night and I scored an orifice hat trick, first she gave me a blowjob, then we had straight sex than I did her in the ass.
by Mr.Juan-derful August 1, 2010
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Something Freddie said once on Scooby-Doo, who knows what it means but it sure sounds cool
I put a lift kit and some 33" tires on my mall crawler and raised it high as Christmas goose.

My friend Jose brought over some killer weed last night and we both got high as a Christmas goose.
by Mr.Juan-derful January 1, 2010
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highway food

food that is easy to eat while driving, such as a burger
I'm hungry so before I hit the road I'm going to pull into this drive-thru and grab some highway food.
by Mr.Juan-derful July 4, 2010
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