6 definitions by kolohe61

A user on the major league baseball forums who is too stupid, lazy or uncreative to come up with a real user name. Usually posts illiterate, meaningless garbage.
Can be found on pretty much any mlb message board.
by kolohe61 March 6, 2005
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An overinflated, drug-addled, mean-spirited windbag.
by kolohe61 March 7, 2005
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Wal-Mart is such an evil empire. They crush competition, pay ridiculously low wages, and pass health care costs to their workers. They also make huge contributions to the Rebublican Party.
by kolohe61 November 17, 2005
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People who usually voted Democratic, but have been taken in by the Bush administration's fear-mongering.
1)I thought my dad was going to vote for Kerry, but he turned out to be another 9/11 Republican.

2) Thanks to the 9/11 Republicans, we're stuck with G.W. Bush for four more years.
by kolohe61 April 25, 2005
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A person who usually voted Democratic, but has been taken in by the Bush administration's fear-mongering.
I thought my dad was going to vote for Kerry, but he turned out to be another 9/11 Republican.
by kolohe61 April 25, 2005
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Cell Phone Asshole. Anyone who annoys everyone around them with their mobile telephone.
I was really enjoying the movie, until this CPA got his cell phone out.
by kolohe61 June 18, 2008
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