A legal term for when a self-proclaimed "servant of The Great One" mails out Good-Book-passage-laced flyers touting his beliefs, then uses said Bible-blabbing junk-mail to lawfully take possession of one or more dwellings or other valuable objects, particularly those owned by "blindly faithful" people who never interfere with anything that they naively view as being "of divine origin".
I always just write "REFUSED --- RETURN TO SENDER" on any ecclesiastical ephemera I receive, to hopefully avoid any future problems with attempts at ad-verse possession.
by QuacksO January 9, 2020
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A verse of poetry that pokes fun a someone or something.
The emcee recited a joke-a-verse at the dinner that roasted the comic celebrity.
by Circus Room March 3, 2012
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Like Spiderman into the spider-verse but with Steve, and beer and alcohol.
Bro1: "Yo bro you wanna go into the frat-verse later?"
Bro2: "yo bro I heard its pretty Steve"
by Anonymous24914291 March 4, 2022
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When two people are going against each other in any competitive matter that is pointless and or meaningless, such as in Fantasy Football. VS becomes spoken as ‘versing’.
Aww man, I just looked at the Fantasy Football roster, I’m versing you this week!
by TheJediGolfer September 15, 2019
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The act of writing or performing verses of rap.
Joe starts versing usually when he is angry or frustrated.
by Faqshuk December 1, 2020
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an avoidance of Pinterest for the month of November, because everyone is posting Christmas EVERYTHING
RaeRae: I can't stand to log into my Pinterest because everyone is posting Christmas EVERYTHING. Seriously. I'm already tired of seeing it and it's not even Thanksgiving.

BeBe: That's why I'm doing No-Pint-ver this year.
by bsmith78 November 10, 2013
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A bible reference that one may use in a real-life situation to simplify a long-winded statement or decision by breaking it down in short form. (a.k.a simple chapter and verse).
Guy 1: You're going.
Guy 2: No I'm not.

Guy 1: Lemme break it down to you in simple chapter and verse, you're going!
by the wedding crasher March 25, 2011
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