I seen her she was doing the Jojo then smelled her finger
by Desolation January 13, 2015
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the best anime including deep themes whilst also showcasing gay Italians in a gang attempting to stop drug trafficking dancing with the sun in order to torture a severed head
Nick : Hey, Jojo is trash
Lopez: prepare to be destroyed with a foolproof argument
by idkijustlikejojo May 22, 2020
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the one thing DIO cant stop saying or what every joestars name stars with.
"your next JOJO!" "Jo-Jo we're gonna gonna call you JoJo from now on!"
by DIO and THE WORLD March 26, 2020
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Abbreviation of Jojo's blizzard adventure.
I watched some Jojo's last night and it was awesome *chew*.
by Duwang*chew* May 23, 2019
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A definition spawned from the series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Due to the series nature of naming everything after classic rock and other musical references, a lot of fans are introduced to new music they normally wouldn't have listened to. To be "Jojoed" is to have the comment section of said song/band raided with comments after a new reference is made, much to the announce of the "Classic" fans that were there before the reference occurred. Not necessarily a bad thing as it introduces people to new music but can be irritating in some extreme cases. Typically occurs in 2 waves, one small when it's referenced in the manga and another in the anime
"Highway star" by "Deep Purple" was recently jojoed after fans of the anime flooded it's comment section.
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If a person is named "JoJo" it's a really high chance that they are such a strong person with a great tragedy, however, they would have such a personality, no matter what "JoJo" is, a gentleman, a person who loves to play tricks, a high schooler who always yells at his parent, a random punk with cool hair, a gang star, a horny bitch, a fucking cripple, some sailor with amnesia, you name it!
JoJo can be whatever tragic person you would ever meet.
by slime64 November 22, 2020
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A name given to an extremely sexy dude who knows how to party.
His name shall be Jojoe and he will be the coolest guy on Earth
by ladiesman1364 October 25, 2010
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