Taking a shit.

Example: I'm at work and need to shit so instead of saying I'm going to shit in front of customers I say I'm going to go play game of thrones real quick to defend the porcelain throne.
I was playing game of thrones this morning for like an hour after drinking all night.
by The real amazing racist July 18, 2014
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The TV equivalent of ending a beautiful and magnificent symphony with a rendition of "All-Star" by Smash Mouth played on a Kazoo
Me: "Welp, I've just wasted the last eight years of my life."
Friend: "You watched Game of Thrones season 8?"
Me: "How did you know?"
by trev the terror June 9, 2019
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The season of game of thrones that is supposed to release next spring but will probably be delayed for another few years and will probably actually release after we're all dead
Fan 1: game of thrones season 8 is coming out in April
Fan 2: bullshit it sure as fuck won't release in our lifetime
by Yo Papi October 17, 2018
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You think you're such a funny guy, huh? You looked this up thinking you were so funny. Look at you now.
Have you Really looked up Throne of Games on Urban Dictionary? Shame on you. You should feel shameful.
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A toilet seat that is warm to the touch when you sit on it. It's as if you are the King and it was pre-warmed for you.
I went to crap at work the other day and came across a King's Throne, yuck!
by Brettuss March 15, 2013
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