An exclamation of distress or pain for a situation when explicit language cannot be used.
Ow! Frig a dig! (after dropping a box on your foot while working your McJob)
by Jake McClenahan May 25, 2005
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'keep digging' refers to when someone has just said something embarrasing or awkward and they are trying to get themselves out the situation by backpeddaling but they are just making the situation worse.

for related topic see dig a hole pass me a shovel and ground swallow me up
Frank: Hey when's the baby due?
Mary: I'm not pregnant.
Frank: Of course you're look really good
Mary: You're digging a hole
Frank: Uh-huh oh by the way did I forget to mention your hair looks nice
Mary: yeah? keep digging!
Frank: Ok I'll see you round...I mean around.
by sunshiyong November 23, 2010
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When one decides to take his two longest fingers and swipe the region that connects from the bottom of the ass crack to the tip off the penis balls and sticking the two fingers up the nostrils while inhaling. For greater results conduct this process on a hot, humid, summer day.
Jester- "Yo my dirty dig smells more then yours"

Greg- "Bitch Please!"
by The Digster October 15, 2009
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picking your nose for a nice,salty bloody noogy to eat
That weird kid John there is digging for gold raming his whole finger up there while drinking his Capri Sun
by asianparentsaremean September 30, 2010
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Parking lot during the day and construction zone at night
Some say it was too expensive, but ever since the big dig, I've been getting a lot of crossword puzzles done.
by saha6818 June 16, 2007
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Possibly the world's most sadistic game. Dig Dug is an Arcade game from the Midway and Namco heydey of games such as Pac-Man Galaga and Rally X. The game stars a white-clad miner named Dig Dug who has been charged with the task of ridding the tunnels below his home of monsters, usually strange google-things and cute dragons. The object of the game, as such, is to destroy them all, oftentimes the last enemy will attempt to escape.

The sadistic part is that you only have two weapons with which to dispatch your enemies. One of which is by digging paths underneath boulders, causing them to fall down, and hopefully crush your prey, not too sadistic, right? Well, the main way you'll be dispatching cute goggle-wearing google thingies and cute-looking baby-ish dragons is with your trusty harpoon and air pump. Yes, that's right, Dig Dug spears them with a harpoon, then uses an air pump to inflate them like balloons until they explode.
Dig Dug hunted down the last orange google, and laughed maniacally as he inflated the poor thing until it burst.

What the hell were the Japanese on when they made this game?
by BathroomRage December 4, 2005
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