When you can charge your phone, in your bed, and still lie down and watch youtube
Elijah is watching YouTube and whist charging his phone, Elijah is experiencing happiness
by Jah- The one and only March 30, 2021
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Happiness is an answer to a really hard math question. You just can’t find it!

Happiness=not sadness
by Carliecat08 December 10, 2019
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A fictional word that is only known to most because it ends in penis. Similar to ligma, it is a setup to a punchline of a sexual joke.
Person1: I feel the happiness in the air
Person2: What's that
Person1: ha-penis and balls LMAO
by InterGraphenic February 3, 2023
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Giving someone your love even if they don't give you theirs in return.
"Dude that girl just completely ditched me"
"Then why are you filled with happiness?"
"Because i was able to give her my love even if i didn't receive any in return"
by Kingoflycans June 25, 2009
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Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter
Happiness is expensive
by Wanderlust ® October 19, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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A strange fuckin blue unicorn with wings
"Fuck off Happy"
"But we are partners you promised"
by Cobble935 May 19, 2020
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