Regional Geordie slang for a ginger sped who lurks round your housing estate flashing buses and ambulances
Person 1: A caught some lurker in me local shops yesterday
Person 2: Was he being a ginger sped like?
Person 1: Yes he was
Person 2: Neva, he sounds like a proper Finley Cowans
by GeordieNitty May 10, 2023
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If you are this kid you are a fucking cunt who doesn’t have any friends, he acts hard in front of people to show off what he has, he is a short arse with no legs, he has a fucking micro dick an sends nudes to boys, he tried to fit in when he’s socially awkward, he can’t talk to girls without getting funny and is gonna be a virgin for life so unlucky if your him... Also he’s jarring, it’s in the name, Finley ‘Jar’man.
Do you know Finley-Jarman?
by Breath tehgd(bfshdfhgrjtej November 17, 2019
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