An Ellie is the most energetic person around. She is always smiling. If she is serious, then you are lucky because then u really know her. She is so beautiful. She is very funny... and clumsy. She is awesome. She will always make you laugh and smile. When Ellie is around, everyone is happy. She is friends with almost everyone. If you are not her friend, then you are doing something wrong.
Girl 1- U know Ellie?
Girl 2- Ya! She is always smiling when I talk to her!
by Potatoe123456789 April 9, 2019
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Ellie is the best person you’ll ever meet. She is funny, caring, sweet, And just everything you’ll ever want in a friend.
anyone called Ellie definitely knows how to party! Go get yourself a friend called Ellie because you sure need one lmao
“you know ellie over there? She’s so funny I think I love her broski
by skskjsnanzjkakajajsmm May 3, 2019
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Elli is an amazing person. if you've found an Elli never let go of her. she has an amazing heart but an amazing body too. she will always be there for you and is empathetic but don't get on her bad side because she is fierce and isn't afraid to get into trouble. she always will put others before herself and she is beautiful but doesn't see it.
guy- wow who is that
other guy- obviously its an Elli because she's so beautiful
by slaypeopleoferth June 12, 2018
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A super nice person, an amazing friend. Likes a lot of boys. She's very sexy and hot. Very sporty and fit. She has got a boyfriend.
Man: Hey do you like Elli

Man 2: omg Shes so hot.
by My name is jeffffffff July 24, 2017
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A brown haired girl with a blondes mind. Always smiling, cheeky, fun. Making people laugh with her dumbness. Very clumsy but love able. Can be a bitch or a slag but who can't? Great in bed and an amazing person.

Can be jealous but always hides feelings with a smile.
guy1#: hey you know ellie?

guy 2#: yeah shes great in bed!

guy1#: i know!
by victory21345 February 19, 2012
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