words or messages scrawled on the inside of public restroom's stalls, usually with deep meaning or thought. An intellectual version of Stall art or graffiti.
A: "dude, i was sittin taking a dump, and i look up and see this sharpie thing talking about how 'through graffiti two random people communicate through space and time in an instant.' it was deep."

B: "you just got metaphorically hit with a nugget of stall philosophy, man."
by inkonthepaper January 27, 2011
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Siomani Philosophy is ...
Kyle: Bro, this that Siomani Philosophy!
Chad: On god, Siomani Philospohy is life!
by maniactual June 5, 2022
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the form of gathering and adjusting to the e girl environment. another form of bagging e girls from left to right, top to bottom you name it. the philosophy of a dream one can study, but never understand. the idea of siomani and his philosophy. another form of this can be seen from siomani himself, a meow kink tactic, or a submissive aggressive experimental in-n-out top dominated bottom supporter kink, where siomani performs a act of winning over a e girl in a instant, one can not comprehend.
hey Dennis, am i able to learn of this siomani philosophy?
by brian🗿 June 2, 2022
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directional philosophy developed fully acknowledging the possibility of undergoing a philosophic pursuit in an objective state of mind, as well developed as possible in every different aspect containing the sub-disciplines in philosophy. A direction developed with every tool, techne’, and school being eclectically accounted for in their chosen merits.
I always tend to use forward philosophy as a direction when writing a new technique in philosophy.
by Kevin P. Olson July 30, 2022
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Forward Philosophy; directional philosophy developed fully acknowledging the possibility of undergoing a philosophic pursuit in an objective state of mind, as well developed as possible in every different aspect containing the sub-disciplines in philosophy. A direction developed with every tool, techne’, and school being eclectically accounted for in their chosen merits.
Used in a sentence; I always tend to use forward philosophy as a direction when writing a new technique in philosophy.
by Kevin P. Olson July 30, 2022
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Forward direction in philosophy is developed to fully acknowledge the possibility of undergoing a philosophic pursuit in an objective state of mind. A philosophy made to be developed in order to expire the full potential of any philosophic content in every different sub-discipline involved in philosophy. Forward philosophy is a direction to be developed with every tool, techne’, and school being eclectically accounted for in the chosen merits by the philosopher leading themselves in this philosophy and direction.
I always tend to use forward philosophy as a direction when writing a new technique in philosophy.
by Kevin P. Olson July 30, 2022
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FaZe Philosophy : a FaZe member that is known for his trickshot specials and teamtage's
FaZe Philosophy : a sensational FaZe member who is known for y y 720 insta shots and his montage's
by DGK LOKI December 20, 2015
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