To empty ones anal cavity, using a transfor pump, onto there significant others pectoral region
That girl is a freak, all she wanted was a Peruvian chest wax
by ur mutha April 16, 2015
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When a Peruvian man named "Robert" defecates into the mouth of a Llama who is actively peeing into the asshole of said man named "Robert".
Tyler, I will not be in the office today due to the Peruvian Hot Pocket that I had last night.
by peruvian lover August 5, 2022
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When your partner is riding your penis and your buddy spins the recipient counter clockwise creating upward lift and the recipient spins off the penis.
"Oh yeah me and my mates had a few drinks and took this girl home for a Peruvian spin-off"
by Mr Mcdonald March 10, 2017
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When a college age white girl travels to any Latin American developing country on a "white savior" trip and ends up getting double-teamed by two local guys, but claims it was a crucial part of the cultural experience and swears up and down forever after that it was the greatest romantic experience of her life.
After college Becki told all her parents that she was traveling to Ecuador to paint orphans. But she really only wanted to meet 2 nice Ecuardian (A -cor - di -an )men to discover the secret of the Peruvian Oreo. After passing AP Spanish in college she knew she was ready.
by ahdonttouchthat January 4, 2019
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When you cover your partner in gasoline, and proceed to blanket them in your flammable nut.
"Gloria, get the gas, this one needs a Peruvian Torch!"
"Not again, Harold!"
by Nut_meme March 5, 2017
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It’s when you are having sex doggy style with a man and he has a vacuum attached to his penis.
Last night I went over to Gary’s and he asked me for a Peruvian PumpJack
by Hillbillyhurricane January 4, 2021
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when you take one peruvian guardian and lay him butt naked on the ground dick facing towards the sun, and then take one peruvian slut 10 stories up in the air and have her jump off the tower butt naked trying to land her asshole completely on his penis. If she misses the dismount, the dick will snap in half due to the high velocity of the ass cheeks
Brazilian: Have you ever been to peru?
American: No but i want to because i wanna try the Peruvian Pecker Wrecker
by SebastianJanakowski March 8, 2021
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