1) "So, I heard you took her to the opera last night."

2) "After we went to the opera, we engaged in a spot of posh dogging."
by Upmarket womaniser. February 6, 2011
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Loud and violent vomiting. The act of disgorging the contents of one's stomach in a manner befitting a warrior. The barbaric yawp of the technicolor yawn.
I don't know what he ate at that food cart, but he's been performing a Klingon opera for the past ten minutes.
by Tombstone_DK November 7, 2015
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A game to play with sexual deviants during a play/musical. Anytime music peaks or tension occurs someone in the group must try to orgasm. Whomever doesn't orgasm is eliminated, last one standing wins.
You guys wanna go see Romeo and Juliet and play Orgasm of the Opera?
by DavidOOTO February 25, 2021
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Like Chrome, but only used by furries and redditors.
Jason: "Do you use Opera GX?"
Zack: "Yeah bro it's super cool :3"
David: "Ew no I'm not a fucking furry"
by Untaken name October 30, 2023
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a weekly magazine covering American daytime soap operas. It features onscreen and offscreen news about the series, interviews with and articles about performers, storyline summaries and analysis, and related promotional information
Soap Opera Digest debuted in November 1975, co-founded by Angela Shapiro and Jerome Shapiro
by SPrice1980 May 7, 2023
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Look, that guy will fall asleep behind weels" "Nah, he's just practicing for the annual air opera contest
by naaaaaagz July 21, 2011
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