small, harmless accident that does nothing but bend the fender, hence the name.
the faggot that backed into me in the parking lot wanted to sue over a fender bender.
by McCheesy November 2, 2003
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A thumping, throbbing, relentless baseline accompanying some senseless hedonistic dance-tune. Several notes, often two notes an octave apart, are delivered rapidly with some sort of fruity studio effect to increase anal lust. Invented by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, but since borrowed by many artists to seriously camp up their already gay tunes. One can visualise several handlebar moustache homos wearing the shortest shorts grinding on the G-A-Y dance-floor, whose only intentions are of violating some young chicken’s bum-hole with their haggard length.
Hey Kenjamin, you coming down the gym for a guido workout?

No Clive, I just can't dig that gym, the music and clientele are awful, I can't pump iron to that bender beat!
by surf biffin July 25, 2007
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The acting out of the urge to go to the Wendy's drive-thru around 1130-1200 midnight and ordering a dozen Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, 3 Biggie Fries, Six 5-Piece Nuggets with Sweet N Sour Sauce, A Large Frosty, and 2 Biggie Cokes per person and proceeding to consume all of the said food in one sitting in the parking lot, all the while throwing the wrappers and containers out your window so the workers (or birds) have to clean up your mess. Usually preceded by smoking a ton of pot while driving around on a friday or saturday night. Very popular in Southeastern MA.
Alex: "Oh man, I'm fucking baked...let's make it a Wendy's Bender tonight!!!"

Gerry: "Fuck yeh!!! And let's let those poor underpaid workers clean up all our sandwich wrappers off the ground hahaha!!!"
by Noizehed August 30, 2006
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When a penis becomes so erect that it bends upward
While looking at porn Earl became so horny he started to stroke his texas bender
by Ticman October 5, 2011
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A gender bender is a person who seeks to define gender expression outside of the binary terms of man and woman.

This person may express their gender in a variety of ways such as cross-dressing and not adhereing to stereotypical, traditional, and/or cultural ideals and practices for their gender.

The person often believes in the thought system of gender and sex being separate. A person can be one sex, but express a gender that is usually not associated with that sex.

May also use gender neutral pronouns such as ze and hir.

Explore the concepts of femininity and masculinity with freedom.
Alex is a gender bender. Ze likes to play around with gender expression through clothes, hair styles, and attitudes. Ze doesn't let anyone define what hir gender is.
by boidragon January 23, 2007
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A man who's homosexual tendencies come out after the consumption of alcohol.
Did you see Jimbo last night after he got drunk kissing that guy? He's such a Beer Bender!
by MegaMassMan October 7, 2011
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When something sets your temper off and you end up going down a rage rabbit hole, releasing all your pent up frustrations in a self destructive manner.
Microsoft messed up my laptop again with another one of their unwanted updates. The frustration led to a full blown rage bender in which I'm now going off about Microsoft, Apple, the incompetence of my government, the cost of various insurances, and the fact that the times on the clocks in my house don't match as well.
by It'smeKT February 28, 2020
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