Cayden :Have you seen, Rianna Jade Barker today? Well I mean the most amazing sister since 2001!
Carter: Yeah! I saw her in her room watching YouTube and doing her hair. We are supposed to go Pokémon shopping later with Tyler and Kaylyn.
Cayden: Can I come?
Carter: Sure! Let’s get the Mew Booster Box!
Cayden: Yay!
by CaydenALuckyBrother April 19, 2022
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Barkerism is a word to describe people who are being very aggressive or angry it can also describe someone if they are doing things witch is just dumb
My friend kept using Barkerism in his conversations today.
by EPFitz November 7, 2022
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It a term for people who are overly aggressive or do not think about what they are doing/saying.
Oscar has barkerism in his language today.
by EPFitz November 7, 2022
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To flash your balls accidentally at an old Vietnamese lady collecting sea weed.
This morning I was chased by an old Vietnamese man after he saw me pulling a Barker at his wife.
by derettahs October 14, 2020
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I was out for a run and stepped in some barkers logs

He's a big dog, how will you deal with the barkers logs?
The kids can not go to the park because people are not cleaning up their barkers logs
by photo_journ October 2, 2020
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Really really gay, always watching memes because they have no friends, most likely on tik tok and a massive bender because she bums squirrels
“Yo wonder what joes doing over the holidays
“ he’s probably doing what a Flo barker would be doin”
by Chris peacock April 13, 2020
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