A "nice sweater , where'd you get it ?"
B " Saw it in Macy's and put the arm on it."
by jay-mon September 17, 2019
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To make advances toward someone in an attempt to hopefully have sex with them.
"I saw Kyle trying to put the moves on the ficus with some hot girl at the party last night."
by 24shotsofjager November 22, 2016
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When you’re stressed about something, and then you realize that it’s not worth stressing.
Not even going to stress about my final, I’m gonna put it behind my ear and go to sleep.
by Viqtoria May 23, 2020
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Putting a dent in her breakfast involves sticking your cock up her bumhole as far as it'll go. The deeper you get,the greater the chances of hitting paydirt and leaving an imprint of your bellend in her poo. Those of you that can accomplish this feat have successfully 'put a dent in her breakfast'
Lillington bent over in eager anticipation, "give me the deepest bum fuck a man can muster!" she cried. That was a glorious evening, I humped and I pumped until finally, I put a dent in her breakfast
by Chuff buffler November 21, 2017
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When you get hot and heavy on the clitoris.
i.e. did you hear Jim last night? He bought that girl home and put weight on the bean.
by Nepenthes126 December 5, 2016
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An instruction to perform a predetermined action or series of actions swiftly.
When my driver education student took a turn across oncoming traffic excessively leisurely I barked "Put that peanut butter on the jelly, son!"
by Cleveland_50 July 17, 2019
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