Livi is a very short Canadian who lives in Canada if you didn’t know. They are one of the funniest people in lex and gi server and is also one of the shortest
Oh dude it’s livi the Canadian!
They are so funny!!
by Bigwomun December 13, 2021
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When shoving a can of air wick up someone's ass
You spread them cheeks lube them up and give them the old Canadian air wick
by D0minatr1x October 11, 2020
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Insist on committing friendly fire with their war on porn dehistorification
Fuck cf and the Canadian forces
by Cody5050 January 27, 2022
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The ones ignorant enough to train cadets to starve them
The doctors In the Canadian forces are obsessed with bugged schizophrenia and my hooded penis because 5 fiance's died and I masturbate their obsessed with circumcision And don't care if I eat food.
by Cody5050 January 27, 2022
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When you fuck your partner in the ass from the front.
"Debbie, it's just so much more intimate when Daryl takes my ass while looking me in the eyes."
"Canadian Anal? It's the best."
by Funky Butt Lovin' 68 October 24, 2019
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A greedy railroad from canada that literally bought a legendary railroad. SOO was bought by CP. CP is more greedy than CN and literally bought the KCS just to get to mexico. why though. CP passes by wisconsin and illinois. some freight crew literally left hoppers open and dumped a lot of corn in Minnesota!!!!
by helloguysiamstupid April 19, 2021
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