Ok you must have listened to KSI ft. Ricegum's new song before looking this one up. Fair enough !

So this one was directed at 'Ethan', one of the Sidemen members known as "Behzinga" and it's basically KSI asking Ethan how much wood can a woodchuck, CHUCK, if the woodchuck looked like him, which means if the woodchuck was FAT like Ethan.

So basically he's calling Ethan fat... From the start KSI seems to sum up the whole song !

I have a feeling that the 'Yo Mama' channel would like these fat jokes.
JJ : How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck looked like you ?
Ethan : Idk, if you're calling me fat are we counting the fat in your tits ?
Supa Hot Fire and his crew : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
by G-F0rc3 August 13, 2017
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When one is so shook by the way one looks that they die and fall on the cold floor and roll all around was utter amazement
I am so sister shook by your look I might need to take a breather
by shoooooooooooooooooooooooooook September 25, 2018
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a sub world in RAIN WORLD were its COMPLEATLY barren of life (except SHOCK jelly fish (idk what they are), neon flies, and LOOKS TO MOON.) there really Isn't much to do here besides looking for those collectable plants and visiting looks to moon
by someone else thats not u March 8, 2021
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When a male individual looks 25 degrees downwards and you know he is looking at a good booty
You: Looking at a girls fine booty
Friend: Looking at a 25?
You: Hell yeah 25
by Titol May 6, 2018
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An eggo waffle looking bitch is a term used by white middle schoolers who are cussing out their beautiful young substitute teacher. The origin of the word is unknown but most likely pulled out of this young lad's ass.
That substitute teacher man, she's an eggo waffle looking bitch.
by substituteteacher March 11, 2023
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