When the blunt is actively in rotation between heads. Slang for rotation "ro-tow". When the smoke is shared with more than one party.
Slang for rotation defined as "ro-tow".
by Supahkal December 14, 2022
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When a woman is blowing three men, on her knees with two in front of her, she reaches through the legs of one to grab the third... She then "tow trucks" number 3 into the ass of the first or second make while continuing to finish the job
Last night Mary tow trucked mark into my ass
by Kaper101 January 5, 2022
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Alright men. Y’all gotta hear it.

We all know a tow truck or you are one.

If you’re called a tow truck, you act like one.

Your a sad member of our species who can only pull girls from the streets.
And you head downtown often, you probably live there.

This can be women too however, but it’s much less common.
‘Baby you’re not a player you’re just a tow truck, im not gonna smash.”
*and then you get left on read*
by Bigolbiddy May 5, 2021
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I was so hooking up with Mary until Jennifer was able to camel tow her home
by Fjvitt June 2, 2022
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Secondary 3 snow removal students that help in situations such as getting stuck on a snow bank, they sacrifice their time to help others and make their day
Did you hear of the tow truck gang?
Anthony: yes I did they helped me when I was in a hurry to work
by Tow truck gang January 28, 2018
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a shit of the necessary weight and/or volume to require towing the plumbing out of a structure because its exceeds effective weight flushing capacity.
Damn, that is a huge tow shit, lets call the tow truck.
by racsat April 11, 2010
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To tow your bro in for a snowboard or skateboard trick usaully involves dropping hammers
Hey Alex! Bro tow me in for a hand plant!
by Mrgnar February 1, 2016
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