an Emo kid is someone who listens to Emo, Screamo.
By really understanding this Music, even before reading the genre (on the net), well that wuold make him emotional.
what im trying to say is that by understanding Emo or Screamo Music makes you an emotional person.
by saying Emotional I mean someone who is in touch with his feelings, not that he is only depressed!!!(he could or not be).
if someone is emotional and doesnt listen to emo that means he is not emo but is an emotional person..
emo doesnt stand for emotional music (almost all music is emotional) but it stands for EMOTIONAL (hardocore) PUNK ROCK
(NOT ALL EMO SONGS ARE DEPRESSING, but emotionally happy,sad,Angry,etc...) by saying this i dont want to say tht punk rock isnt emotional but EMO is based on shouting out loud emotions...
(about the scene, well choose i think its cool so il semi go for it, u dont like it, well look at veda skyes,chasing victory,etc... VERY NORMAL PEOPLE)
about kissing guys, well NOT EVERYONE DOES IT, if they do so well they have their reasons (emo is not about kissing guys)
make-up:well thts always the trend part (like it or not u choose if put it on or not)
i wont say anything about the posers 'cause those are everywhere.
EMOS do NOT care of showing their emotions to everyone.
plz dont identify EMOS for fags, or weirdos... if u do well its ur life...
emo kid= normal kid in touch with his emotions, and appriciates EMO music: and by tht expresses his emotions with it and in tht way (there are different ways of expressing ur emotions)
emo poser= might like emo music justo for the screaming
by Johnny.D March 19, 2007
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There cannot be just one definition of the so-called emo kid. There are always different types of emo kids, there’s the young and confused, the wrongfully decided, the miserable and unhappy, and the straight edge emo kids.

Young and Confused – these tend to be kids you see in grades 6-10, they mainly listen to pop-punk or pop-emo music. They really have no idea what emo is except that they saw dashboard confessional on MTV and said I want to be like “Chris.” So they go out by all tight fitting close usually try to dress in black grow longer hair and tend to develop an eye sight problem leading them to wear glasses even if they do not need them. You will always find these kids in hot topic buying up all the pop shirts and studded belts and any thing they think will make them look sad because all they are trying to do is be different from everyone else when; however, they just become a “poser” of older emo kids that understand what real emo music is. These kids usually tend to go more towards the XXX ways or start smoking the “marijuana.”

Wrongfully Decided – these are the kids that no one really knew who they were before they start there emo phase. They tend to hang out with a couple emo kids and want to be like them because emo kids act like they have life all figured out and no matter what you do your life will be depressing. So of course these kids will slap on the punk belt or a new popular belt “the brown leather belt” tight close, zip up hoody, grow their hair out and always act depress and go off on every little thing on how it really is wrong because it is known as “popular” to common folk. These kids just are followers and will become what ever they people who brought them into the world of emo are.

Miserable and Unhappy – these are the kids that have never been happy in their whole lives. They always tend to be assholes because they are so narrow-minded and stick to their opinions and cannot agree with any one else’s opinions. These kids always dress in black, usually tight clothing, hats, and are always just looking downward. These kids are usually into the more depressing drugs such as coke, and heroin.

Straight Edge – These are the kids most people tend to hate. They think drugs are evil and anyone that does them should get their ass kicked. Most people hate these bitches. They tend to draw X’s on their hands so everyone knows that they are straight edge. They usually wear the army hats, carry a backpack on there back and hold it with two hands in the front straps. They were any things that look preppy to emo. And they also think they can “kick the shit out of any one.” However, they usually cant because they always have a crew with them you get one or two of these bitches alone and you can have a field day. They can never fight alone they always wait for their friends and like to jump other emo kids that tend to do drugs.

I use to be an emo kid and its just for younger kids. Unless you go famous with it in a band your emo phase will shortly fade out right before you leave high school or in college.
kids in tight clothing, usually black, studded or brown belts, XXX or into marjuanna or coke, zip up hoodies, backpacks/messenger bags, notebooks with lyrics/poems, and just are so narrowminded to any one's opinions.
by Bob December 28, 2004
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I'm apparently an emo kid. and it doesn't seem to me that I cut and cry and write poetry, I suck at writing. sure I'm a middle class person but i dont whine about it. and I'm emo. But I dont't whine. I don't see everyones problem with emo kids. None of you know me, yet you are going to judge me. I dont wear glasses because I don't need them and shit like that. All of those things are stereotypes....those can be broken. So fuck off. I'm gonna go cut and cry. *cough*stereotype*cough*
look at me...i am a prep. i love gap and abercrombie and fitch. i just love that new eminem video on mtv. i'm such a whore that i'm being tested on for new, undiscovered std's. wow....i almost vomited when typing that
by Billy Bob Butterballs August 26, 2005
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Emo is not a word that can simply be defined using words. The only way you can define it is by living it. Emo is not just a genre, it's a way of life.
I,ve been emo since birth.
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Emo is a term currently used to refer to a subculture of young people (generally teenagers) who wear dark clothing and act in a melodramatic manner. They tend to wear tight clothes, which are usually black. Both male and females will complain about their lives and their families, even if there is really nothing wrong. They will often claim that their parents hate them, even if their parents are actually very caring. They tend to be immature, since their melodramatic demeanor is usually the teen manifestation of brattiness.

The easiest way to reverse this behavior is simply not to put up with it, and to point out their bratty attitude to them (see example 1). It is important to provide the emo kid with both reassurance (see example 2), and tough love (see example 3) It is also important that you ignore any attention-seeking behavior.

The biggest problem with emo kids is that they emulate kids with depression, which makes it harder for the kids with actual problems to get help.Many emo kids write suicide poems for the attention, and as a result it becomes harder to spot the kids who are actually contemplating suicide.
EMO KID: My life sucks. My mom hates me. She won't give me money for the movies.
FRIEND: Your mom gave you money yesterday. You spent it all at hot topic.

EMO KID: I knew it. You guys hate me. Everyone hates me.
FRIEND: We don't hate you. You're just being immature right now.

EMO KID: My teacher hates me. Look, she gave me an "F" on my test. It's just so unfair. I work so hard, and I still fail.
FRIEND: You failed the test because you didn't study, and because you only answered half the questions. Suck it up. Some people have actual learning disabilites. Like dislexia, the one that makes some letters appear BACKWARDS? Take responsibility for yourself.

EMO KID: My life sucks.
DEPRESSED KID: mine too.
EMO KID: My parents cut my allowance just because I got an F on my test. And they wouldn't buy me any eyeliner.
DEPRESSED KID: Nothing I do is fun anymore, I can't sleep, I keep getting headaches, I can't remember the last time I had fun, and my parents grounded me for a month because I "stole" my step-mom's mascara. When I told them how depressed I felt, they told me to stop being emo.
by SomeTeenager January 20, 2010
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an Emo kid is someone who listens to Emo, Screamo.
By really understanding this Music, even before reading the genre (on the net), well that wuold make him emotional.
what im trying to say is that by understanding Emo or Screamo Music makes you an emotional person.
by saying Emotional I mean someone who is in touch with his feelings, not that he is only depressed!!!(he could or not be).
if someone is emotional and doesnt listen to emo that means he is not emo but is an emotional person..
emo doesnt stand for emotional music (almost all music is emotional) but it stands for EMOTIONAL (hardocore) PUNK ROCK
(NOT ALL EMO SONGS ARE DEPRESSING, but emotionally happy,sad,Angry,etc...) by saying this i dont want to say tht punk rock isnt emotional but EMO is based on shouting out loud emotions...
(about the scene, well choose i think its cool so il semi go for it, u dont like it, well look at veda skyes,chasing victory,etc... VERY NORMAL PEOPLE)
about kissing guys, well NOT EVERYONE DOES IT, if they do so well they have their reasons (emo is not about kissing guys)
make-up:well thts always the trend part (like it or not u choose if put it on or not)
i wont say anything about the posers 'cause those are everywhere.
EMOS do NOT care of showing their emotions to everyone.
plz dont identify EMOS for fags, or weirdos... if u do well its ur life...
emo kid= normal kid in touch with his emotions, and appriciates EMO music: and by tht expresses his emotions with it and in tht way (there are different ways of expressing ur emotions)
emo poser= might like emo music justo for the screaming

by Johnny D. 91 March 8, 2007
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An excuse for young adolescent boys (typically 13-19) to act like bitches.....
Kid A: "Hey, Kane has been a bit of an emo kid lateli huh?"

Kid B: "Nah, his girlfriend broke up with him. It's just an excuse for him to act like a little bitch...."
by Sierra Myst January 21, 2010
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