A person in any setting where coffee is being self served and they RE-USE coffee grinds to brew the next pot.
I caught Gunther making a new pot of coffee with the old grinds! Gunther is such a double-dipping brewsloth.
by TKx2 July 13, 2017
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To have a personal rule never to ask the same girl out twice.
Dude: Stacy is totes into me...but im anti double dipping
Dude 2: U asked her out before?
Dude: Yeah...
by Renzuli August 19, 2011
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The act of a male masturbating until ejaculation and then using the semen as lube to jack off again immediately after.
"I was so horny after my church date with Andria I had to do the Double dip to myself too calm down"
by Rabidracoon December 6, 2022
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1>to describe an embarassment beyond the realm of embarassment. yet humorous enough for all to laugh.
2>To describe a joke that countered another joke

jackie says: Damn that dude always Tryin to be hard; julie says: Yea he has to be hard in some place, otherwise he just gonna be plain soft jessie says: Hes been double dipped and scratched, all laughed.
by LostMinD January 27, 2009
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While railing a chick, pull your dick out, proceed to suck your own cock, and then stick it back in the puss.
“Dude, mike gave the ole double dip to jenn last night”
by Kingduck127 September 11, 2018
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double dip is when someone dips something into something like a tortilla chip into cheese or salsa, and they bite off it, and stick the part they bit off back into the public dip. leaving their saliva in the dip instead of eating the whole thing and getting a new chip or whatever is being dipped. can cause hiv or aids or any other std or sti.
don't double dip dude damn.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 22, 2022
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When you say you’re going to leave someone and then don’t and then leave last minute.
Jim said he didn’t want to leave work early but he left anyway. He fucking double-dipped.
by JuicyBean October 24, 2018
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