Members of the upper-middle class who participate in countryside pursuits such as riding, fox hunting, shooting skeet, etc. Distinguishable by their green Wellington boots and wax jackets. Orig. UK
“I felt like a right eejit on holiday with his family, being as I can barely ride, and they practically head up the Green Welly Brigade and all."
by Alexandra July 27, 2004
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A verb. To do or perform a very brave inspired, but ultimately foolish, self-crippling and suicidal act. Can be put in both social and political context.
by LHG April 3, 2007
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A nickname for the mentally deranged members of the US State Department and the National Security Council who were all attempting to execute the smooth quid pro quo for Putin’s Bitch himself.
All of these superstars like Pompeo, Barr, Volker...and even the littler wise guys like Giuliani and his thugs...they are all part of the tinfoil hat brigade and will go down in history as such!
by Dr Bunnygirl November 5, 2019
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A large group of lesbians, usually focusing on themselves and not conversing with outsiders. Can also be used in reference to a group of girls up their own asses, acting as though royal.
I can't help but notice that the Royal Snatch Brigade is in town. What a big lot of bitches they are.
by ApricotsHaveCyanide July 8, 2011
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where fat people go to sporting events not to see the event but for the food
are you part of the prawn cocktail brigade?
by ospreys November 28, 2011
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a group of parents who congregate in front of the school in order to shuttle their kids to and from school and after-school activities
She: Where's Joan?
He: She had to join the mommy brigade to pick up her daughter and take her to soccer practice.
by Momus the Sarcastic November 9, 2009
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The 101st Keyboarding Brigade is a derogatory term used for people on the Internet who support the recent occupation of Iraq but are unwilling to join the military to participate in the occupation. Markosniga, the author of the Daily Kos blog, coined the term.
"The 101st Keyboarding Brigade know that the Internet is serious business!"
by Daniel Bickford February 11, 2006
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