A fucken cold ass place not to be messed with it will fuck you over.
A beautiful yet still fucken cold place.
Person1- yeah I do A FUCK TON of weed hbu?

Person2- yeah me too, have you been to Alaska tho? Their weed is tHe BeSt like FUUUUCCCKKKK.
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An amazingly beautiful place filled with green hills and beautifully blue colored waters, in which contain some of the prettiest wildlife.
I love Alaska so much. The whales there are fucking amazing. Hahahahaah hi Graham.
by negrisnog December 21, 2019
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Alaska is an amazing person, she is creative, funny and very smart. She can instantly become friends with anyone she meets and she will brighten their day. Alaska will stick with you in your hardest times and she knows when something is wrong. If you know a person name Alaska you are very lucky.
You have been blessed by Alaska
by July 29, 2022
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sometimes its hot sometimes its cold. Thats all there is too it.
Person A: Hey, so whats up with Alaska?

Person B: Im not sure but the weather sure is messed up
by 907ALASKA907 September 1, 2019
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The act where you cum on a woman's neck and let it run down her back while she gives you a BJ
¨Yo Dog, I got an Alaska Snow Slide¨
¨Cool man¨
by NibbaChibba April 23, 2019
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The creepiest place in all of eskimodom. Don't go there. They will violate your anus


Gnome Alaska is where sapiens of non-homo origin live and they will make you more homo than a scarved black guy with a pompador and lollipop tattoo on his neck. Then they'll take your little girl, leave your ripped open asshole stuck in a wheelchair babbling about shadow monsters as people laugh at you out of pity.

Gnome alaska...where the Gnomeos roam

Into your butt
Friend A: Hey man what's ? Heard you and Jane went on vacation to Gnome Alaska, how was it?

Friend B: I don't have to actually try to poo no mo babydoll, that dookie just kinda fall out all on its own thanks to them boogymens

Friend A: Holy shit fred...dont talk to me or my family anymore
by Captain Magnanimous February 21, 2014
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