Someone who is jealous of a friends relationship, goes after him/her and succeeds
I left the party becauseI found my girlfriend with that dirty mooch
by Onlyme4you April 1, 2020
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Someone who will stick around or stop by just to steal your drink (usually water) and then quickly leave. Only to come back a few minutes after leaving you just for another until your drink is completely gone.
Friend 1: Hey mind if I drink some of your water before I go?
Friend 2: Sure
*5 minutes later*
Friend 1: Hey let me have some more of that water!

*drinks and then leaves*

Friend 3: Dude, she's such a water mooch!
by Ichirukio September 20, 2010
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When someone lacking pockets puts their personal items (Cellphone, Change, etc.) into the pocket of another individual. Could also be called a bag mooch if a purse or other bag-like carrying device is used in place of a pocket.
1. Dude, I have to break-up with my girlfriend. She is such a pocket mooch. My pockets are always weighed down with her stuff.
2. Hey. I forgot my purse at home. Mind if I bag mooch?
by ManaTs4ever September 13, 2009
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Person one: "Man, who invited Todd to the party?"
Person two: "I know, right? He's such a hooch mooch."
by Maveryq December 2, 2020
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When your kitten interferes with random things in your house
by Pinkyhoolahoop December 11, 2022
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American Socalists.
The Rich Mooch who went to Yale to study English Literature wants me to pay his/her student loans.
by Ipaymyownway. August 21, 2019
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