Someone who sweats 8 litres of water per day and is a virgin until they turn 70
Tom: I play CoD, I’m a CoD Player

Tom’s friends:

Tom: I don’t have any friends
by CheezyClit69 January 2, 2021
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An inconvenient bruise on the end of your thumb caused by clicking the left analog stick to run in call of duty for endless hours.
i wish i didnt spend my entire day playing mw2, i have a terrible case of COD thumb.
by shecks June 17, 2010
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A homosexual; a slurper of the cods.
Get a load of that flaming cod slurper.
by Mr. Wundirphal May 2, 2008
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A tactic surmised by angry girlfriends that consists of making the player feel guilty about playing call of duty instead of spending quality time with each other.
Steve: Dude I wanted to get three more rounds of COD in, but my girlfriend was just sitting next to me looking pissed. I couldn't take the guilt so I just quit and took her to the mall.

Mike: Sounds like a COD block to me.
by Athletic Prowess December 5, 2009
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When your wife or girlfriend wants you to spend time with her
instead of playing Call of Duty.
Sorry, I can't play with you guys tonight. My wife is Cod Blocking me again.
by Ron27 September 3, 2010
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The state in which a person playing Call of Duty is focused on nothing but the television screen. They don't have any other body functions excluding breathing, and yelling.
In arising from your CoD Coma a person will often times experience great hunger, drowziness, and maybe even depression.
"Dude, I was in my CoD Coma for like 6 hours last night; i didn't go to sleep until like 4 in the morning."

"Bro me too, when awoke from my CoD Coma I was hungry enough to eat a man's dick off."
by iEATbabieZ 666 June 19, 2009
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When your arsehole is gasping for air following a hot runny turd
Oh man I've just had some serious yawning cod action
by Jockegg January 29, 2015
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