One better than gold.

Queensland Castlemaine Brewery brew XXXX Gold (Midstrength) and XXXX Bitter (Heavy).

Therefore, if you're not a pussy drink-wise, Good as bitter is one better than gold.
Guy 1: How'd your assignment go man?
Guy 2: Good as Bitter dude
by TheMrAwesome September 17, 2008
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(v.) The curmudgeon’s online equivalent to glitter bombing. The act of attacking someone on a blog or website comments page without warning or provocation just because you’re a bitter old bastard that has absolutely nothing constructive to add to the discussion and you enjoy being a complete dick.
We were having this really engaging online debate the other day until that douche bag4skin” showed up and begin bitter bombing everyone. Yeah, that pretty much killed it.
by Jurgis Rudkus December 19, 2011
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Slimy like a butter stick, someone who is bitter and/or wants to be anti-climactic who will compartmentalize themselves into other people who'll show up in your life at some point and will act like them in order to get in your head. They unknowingly show their shitty sides and contradict themselves due to the compartmentalization. Prevent yourself from getting in an awkward conversation like this. Believe me.
The women,people at work, 'friends', were Bitter-Sticks to him because they weren't shying away from personal topics in conversation and tried to get in his head. They showed their true colors and are now colorblind.
by Miktionary April 9, 2023
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an epic gc that changed its name for no reason
dude get on bitter coleslaw we playin gartic phone
by voiding October 11, 2023
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The girl that’s always looking for more, and once she gets attached, she’s a leech, that bibble bitter wants that she gonna get it
Hey, is that the bibble bitter you were talking about?
by 5moreminutesMOM January 22, 2020
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A Bitter Unicorn, they are usually found with a horn covered in blood from using their horn to stab those that offend it.
Bitter unicorn: Did you see that Bitter ass unicorn??? She just stabbed someone with her horn!
by Bitterunicorn July 11, 2019
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