A shitty over-hyped movie with no real merit. Based on a story about how purple man get rock and snap half universe and how good guy want to kill him because he do the big bad. Typically watched by retards.
A: iron man die
by マジで死にたい May 4, 2019
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This is the Asgardian
refugee vessel Statesman.
We are under assault.
I repeat,
we are under assault.
The engines are dead,
life support failing.
Requesting aid
from any vessel within range.
We are 22 jump points
out of Asgard.
Our crew is made up
of Asgardian families.
We have
very few soldiers here.
This is not a warcraft.
I repeat,
this is not a warcraft.
Hear me and rejoice.
You have had the privilege
of being saved
by the Great Titan.
You may think
this is suffering.
It is salvation.
Universal scales
tip toward balance
because of your sacrifice.
For even in death,
you have become
Children of Thanos.
I know what it's like to lose.
To feel so desperately
that you're right...
yet to fail, nonetheless.
It's frightening.
Turns the legs to jelly.
But I ask you, to what end?
Dread it, run from it...
destiny arrives all the same.
And now, it's here.
Or should I say...
I am.
You talk too much.
The Tesseract.
Or your brother's head.
I assume you have
a preference.
Oh, I do.
Kill away.
All right, stop!
We don't have the Tesseract.
It was destroyed on Asgard.
You really are
the worst brother.
I assure you, brother...
the sun will shine
on us again.
Your optimism is misplaced,
Well, for one thing,
I'm not Asgardian.
And for another...
we have a Hulk.
Let him have his fun.
let the dark magic flow
through me one last...
Person 1: This is the Asgardian
refugee vessel Statesman.
We are under assault.
I repeat,
we are under assault.
The engines are dead,
life support...

*7 hours later*

Person 2: Did I seriously just spend my entire day listening to the Avengers: Infinity War Script?
by EndoFlame December 7, 2018
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Watching Amy Schumer out of your own will to get something you want.
"Hey, want to try the watching avengers at the theatre with a girl challenge?"
by JokersNeutralSpecial January 22, 2021
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Captain America: The First Avenger is a 2011 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America. It is the fifth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film was directed by Joe Johnston, written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and stars Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper, Neal McDonough, Derek Luke, and Stanley Tucci. It was distributed by Paramount Pictures. Predominantly set during World War II, the film tells the story of Steve Rogers, a sickly man from Brooklyn who is transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a device called a "Tesseract" as an energy-source for world domination.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
(a body is discovered in the Arctic)
Search Team Leader: Get me the Colonel! I don't care what time it is! This one's waited long enough...

(Schmidt admires a wooden Norse carving)
Johann Schmidt: Yggdrasil. Tree of the world. Guardian of wisdom. And fate, also.
(discovers a wooden drawer, uncovers the Tesseract)
Johann Schmidt: And the Führer digs for trinkets in the desert.

Gabe Jones: Who are you supposed to be?
Steve Rogers: I'm... Captain America.
(Steve walks off to free the soldiers trapped below)
James Montgomery Falsworth: I beg your pardon?

Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan: Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Steve Rogers: Yeah. I punched out Adolf Hitler 200 times.

(last lines)
(Steve Rogers finds himself in New York)
Nick Fury: At ease, soldier! Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you slowly.
Steve Rogers: Break what?
Nick Fury: You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years.
(Steve is silent with shock)
Nick Fury: Are you going to be okay?
Steve Rogers: Yeah. Yeah, I just... I had a date.

(After end credits)
Nick Fury: (finding Steve in a gym) Trouble sleeping?
Steve Rogers: You're here with the mission, sir?
Nick Fury: I am.
Steve Rogers: Trying to get me back in the world?
Nick Fury: Trying to save it.
by The Centurion July 4, 2012
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The alias of the crime-fighting vigilante, The Shadow.
Powers/Abilities: The Dark Avenger possesses incredible physical abilities. He possesses astonishing reflexes and is an incredible marksman with a gun. He also has incredible muscular control and can slip his body through the bars of a prison cell like a contortionist or can actually distort and alter his very facial features at will by manipulating his facial muscles. He can also survive for hours without air and was also ambidexterous (capable of using both hands). He is regarded as highly experienced in various disciplines of hand to hand combat as well.
His greatest power is his ability to “cloud men’s minds”. He can hypnotize people instantly so that he can move as an invisible shadow. He can also hypnotize people so they forget things or to command them to perform certain acts (he once forced a criminal to write a detailed account of his past crimes). The Shadow wears a fire opal ring known as a girasol on his hand which he uses to focus his hypnotic abilities. He is an expert in many different languages and is also a master ventriloquist (he can project or “throw” his voice).
He is also a master of disguise and has been known to impersonate others, even fooling their friends and family members. The Shadow is apparently an expert aircraft pilot and skilled in infiltration and information gathering techniques due to his experience as an intelligence agent.
He wields a pair of .45 pistols and also employs a fleet of automobiles and aircraft in his various operations.
by The Centurion January 26, 2013
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A person that frequently or exclusively makes toxic comments on posts for the purpose of sowing social/political discord, as an effort to feel superiority and validation of their own beliefs. Usually done anonymously to avoid the repercussions of stating their true beliefs under their primary account.

Not to be confused with a Troll, whose motives are based in self-entertainment (by stirring up the pot) and not truly ideological in nature.
Your comment history shows that you use this account exclusively to be a toxic avenger; which is a disturbing reminder that you know what the problem is and you’re so contrary that you feel compelled to respond, but you also don’t want to risk your public reputation by saying racist/offensive comments on your primary account that could publicly out you.
by YourHeroWasAFraud February 8, 2022
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