Very strong, well built, muscular body
A body builder.
Wow, that guy is fucking yoked!
by Matty Georgeous July 30, 2008
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these days in Ireland, a Yoke refers to almost *anything*
"how do you get this feckin yoke to work?" - computer
"pass me that yoke" - pencil
"this yoke is feckin broken!" - DVD player
by A January 15, 2005
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Dublin slang for an Ecstacy tablet.
How much for a yoke?
by Superman17 February 19, 2010
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1. Thing, as in, the yoke over there.

2. Ecstasy tablets
"That fucking thing, the fucking whatchamacallit, the yoke!"

"I took a few yokes and was off me chops for the whole night"

See also off chops
by Andrew Scott March 6, 2005
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to be well built; having a high level of muscle definition; ripped; cut; sinewy; etc.
"Aye bro we about fight this fool, you in or wat?"
"HEEEEELLL NO that nigga hella yoked!"
by kranksterx October 8, 2009
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A term commonly used by the inbred farming community in Mid Ulster especially around Magherafelt/Cookstown which refers to a car or basically anything that they cannot describe accurately.
Thon's some yoke.... roughly translates as That is a very nice car you have.
by nodervs August 7, 2012
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