A big genius who is too smart for his own good and smarter than Eric and Sebastien
Alex: How does he always get A+?! He's such a Yasser!!
by Goodmorningtoronto February 4, 2020
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Another way to say "yes sir" but in a more playful way.
Hey! Would you like some ice cream?

by ThePvzProMaster September 15, 2023
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Rhyming slang for cat.
Derived from the name 'Yasser Arafat', as the ending of the surname rhymes with cat.
An example of rhyming slang so bad, it is good.
"Oi, bitch, the YASSER is hungry, give it some meat..."
by Figure Number Five July 5, 2005
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A name you would call someone of a piracy background, normally a smelly person, and/or used at someone that talks a good talk but aint got shit on the court.
Jazmin: Look at Jamal, hes such a Yasser, his family came over here on a pirate ship.
Wade: True dat babe.
by Sneakers O'Tool May 24, 2010
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A black fella with curly hair and likes to have fun! he is really sweet and charming most of the time he can be a piss off. Yasser has a really nice body. Yasser mostly gets all the girls.
"Yo is that Yasser chilling wit dem Girls"
by Stepheny Zach July 16, 2017
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