An expression mostly used in online chatrooms. It is an expression of doubt and uncertainty. Often used in the beginning of a sentence to express a tone of diagreement.
weh... did u really went to her crib last night and saw her naked?
by napshock September 22, 2004
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A term used to convey sarcasm. Usually spoken at the end of a sentence.

Origin: Freshwater Senior Campus, Sydney, Australia. 2006.
I wouldn't want Jessica Alba to be my wife... weh.

Justin Timberlake is a shit dancer... weh!
by JJB777 September 30, 2006
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The word weh weh, is used for agreeing or disagreeing with someone. It is also used to end a sentence or to begin a sentence. Another way to use "weh weh" is to say it after your sentence and pretend you are joking but you really aren't. Or you can use it to say you would like to rail that girl.

The number one way to use it is when something great happens "weh weh motha fuck!"
Bob: Hey man do you wanna grab so brewskies?

Carl: weh weh my man!

Ex 2: susan: You wanna get dinner?

Zack: Hell no weh weh!

Ex3: Damn your sister is hot weh weh, i would love to weh weh all over her.

Ex4: I wanna weh weh your mother!

Ex5: (GHS BASEBALL) Game winning walk off by orts.


by the weh weh mobile April 1, 2009
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one of the most versatile words in existence
an expression that conveys indescribable anxiousness yet simultaneously defeat and bragging
can be used in any context, like when u dgaf or when the conversation gets dry or when you have a weird flex or actually in any sentence
usually said while making a peace sign and sticking your tongue out
im failing all my classes. Weh!
my boyfriend just broke up with me Weh!
......... (silence)..... Weh!
by assna January 22, 2019
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An expression that suggests deflating in disappointment, or complaining in annoyance.
Amanda: You're going to have to clean that up.
Marcus: Weh.

Amanda: No, you can't have that.
Marcus: Why?! Wehhhhhhhhhh
by beef&bacon June 6, 2011
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A word of endless possibilities that can replace ANY other words of importance, or any words of non-inportance. Can also be used as an expression of interest or one of disgust. The last few syllables are usually said with a quiker tone than the first.
1) Yeah............weh!
2) I would tap that weh!
3) Yeah dont stop, i like that weh!
by Rooos May 18, 2005
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A word you say if you want to legalise Bubatz
A: “Did you know, the Ampelkoalition wants to legalise bubatz (weh)”
B: “Digga wann Bubatz legal weh”
by Gay Dachshund F. St. February 24, 2022
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