to carry out an adjustment with great skill and care in order to ensure optimum response and /or performance
shall i twiggle this thistle valve me -owd
by ginger tosser October 29, 2004
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when a woman is shaking her ass in the club, with rythem in a spiral rotation, aka dirty dancing.
damn look at that girl's twiggle! She's really movin' it.
by bubz cash November 1, 2007
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A penetration of the anal region through a clothing related medium by a peers appendices
I bet you your finger smells after that "twiggle"
by km BJ December 23, 2004
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To tickle ones balls with the tips of your fingers.
Janie twiggled Jamie last night, and he prejacked into her eye.
by SsJ1_GoKu December 8, 2004
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Refers to the form of giggles that occurs when pertaining to anything associated with the Twilight Saga.
I had a series case of the twiggles when I first saw Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie.
by whitt96 November 10, 2010
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The slight upward movment of a penis when a large object has been inserted in the rectum.
"He must have been a virgin because I saw him twiggle and the other guy wasn't that big."

"Your shocks are bad because I totally twiggled when you drove over that bump."

"I had a huge twiggle signing that alimony check"
by Space Arsonist March 10, 2009
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The action or course of rotation between your thumb when it moves out of place for a temporary amount of time.
Jimmy put down his hands first to guide his body to the chair but ended up falling on the floor and when he hit the floor, his thumb twiggled from the impact.
by random6996 September 6, 2012
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