When your so ungodly horny that your pussy/cock starts having a heartbeat and well Throbbing (this definition was an edited version of one submitted by another user)
by piseag March 6, 2022
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When you get so hard the vanes in your cock almost pop.
When you win a chess game in only six moves "my cock is Throbbing right now" -Mr 6.5 inch wiener
by Tav0 June 25, 2020
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to forcibly insert a blood engorged penis in the rectum of (insert direct object here)
Quit throbbing me!!!

Iowa is the throb state of all time!

I got throbbed in that game of tiddly-winks by another boy.
by The Charles October 29, 2003
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The collective noun for a group of penises.
Janet peeped in through the boys changing room window and was startled and aroused by the sight of a throbbing of penises.
by Popeye is rubbish February 14, 2018
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a person who goes on various chat-rooms and instigates all participants until s/he is ultimately banned from that website, then s/he makes a new account and starts over
He is such a throbs that he was thrown out of the chatroom in one hour!!
by Janethrobs May 29, 2008
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