1-decorations and party favors pertaining to and resembling the male penis.

2-any outfit or accessory used to dress up and decorate the male penis.
Wow Holly, you sure went all out finding all the right peckerations for Jane's bachelorette party. The penis straws
big Johnson piñata and the dick nose you got are quite fantastic.

I just love that fire breathing dragon cock sock you got for your man.
by rbilt February 17, 2011
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In the game of Panguingue (Pan), when you have cards that are worth money but cannot get them into play in order to collect.
I just got peckered with a bong. Sory of my life.
by NedLoomis June 12, 2019
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by Lard_lover April 27, 2017
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Casual way to say "penis." Not considered as vulgar as "cock," "prick," or "dick," almost cute in fact, but definitely not standard. Originally "pecker" was a Southern (USA) usage, but social mobility and innumerable HBO comic roasts have broadened its range.
"I've got Hubert's pecker in my pocket." Said by 1960s US President Lyndon Baines Johnson of his VP Hubert Humphrey, meaning (metaphorically) that Hubert was his bitch politically.

"I'd rather cut my pecker off." Said by same LBJ when told by his physician he had to stop smoking immediately.
by al-in-chgo July 13, 2012
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The act of 'Pecking' A Pecker is a term to describe a type of Sleaze, a person who overly 'Pecks' or 'comes on to' girls in a subtle way, but that is usually obvious. Overly complimenting and acting nice to try and get sex off them.
Facebook Status:

Girl: Do I buy a white or pink flesh tunnel to go in my ear ;p I actually don’t know what one to get!

Guy 'Pecker' : Get both! they'd both look great on you :) :) xxxx

Girl : haha yer i mite :L thanks x

Guy 'Pecker' : Np ^^ anything would look good on you :) :) xxxx

Guy 'Pecker' proceeds to like and comment on 'Girls' every status and picture

God man look at that guy pecking on her, he's such a Pecker!!
by VirusDude! February 2, 2011
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A person that highly reflects the genitalia of a man.
"Hey Erik Dove you're such a pecker!"
"Yeah dude I know"
by porker223 September 30, 2011
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